Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Olympic Park

Monday we went to Olympic Park.  I had the hardest time keeping Dresden at the playground.  He was more interested in the numbers etched on the sidewalks, than playing.  Who knew?
I also found out quickly that it is hard to take pictures of this kid when Josh isn't around.  I wasn't able to get pictures of him playing in the splash pad/fountain (partly because I had to be in it as well for him to stay), but I did get pictures of the "after".

Lately Dresden has been trying to use his dump truck as a skateboard.  I tried taking a picture of it, but as soon as the camera comes out he gets off.  Sorry I still have your pajamas Kattie. :)

I had to coax him through the tunnel

He was content with standing at the bottom of the slide while all the other boys had to dodge him coming down.

Dresden has a small obsession with stairs.

One of the few boys in our group who dared to get soaked.  With some coaxing of course... and swinging him in the path of the water...
He was being goofy for some reason whenever he stuck a handful of blueberries into his mouth.


  1. So dang cute! I can't wait to go out there and see you guys . . . oh and I could care less about the pjs! You can keep them. The last picture looks like he has little fangs coming out of his mouth. Ha ha it made me laugh! 4 weeks and counting!

  2. I am so glad you updated the blog. Dresden is the cutest little boy. I hope my baby is as cute as him. I hope you all are having so much fun out in Georgia!

  3. I love the pic of him wearing the hat, looking strait at the camera, it's so dang cute! He's a big kid, I love it!
