Weight - 27 lbs 50-55%
Height - 34 ins 85-90%
Head Circ - 49 cm
So he is still doing well and still growing! As he has a few words he now says once says, "Hi", "up", "apple" and "purple", he still babbles and babbles away. The doctor called this "advanced jargon". It has a name!
Last week we went to the Childrens' Museum in downtown Atlanta. They were running a half price special, but I still ended up paying $7.00 to watch Dresden going up and down stairs. Since that is all he did, that is all I had pictures of.
Up the tractor steps
And down the tractor steps
Up the house stairs
And down the stairs
And stop to wash the dishes
I pulled the camera out today during Dresden's bath time as he was being very silly. I finally got a picture of his goofy smile he gives off rarely.